The Loom Team
New Feature Improved Web App

Video Activity: Never Miss a Video Message

AUTHOR: The Loom Team

These changes are part of a new and improved workspace experience, a.k.a. your Loom HQ. A new intelligent home for all your videos. We’re rolling out access over the coming weeks, so if you don’t see these features yet, hold tight! Learn more.

Stay up to date with the Notifications Page

Manage recent comments and engagement across multiple looms in one place on the new Notifications page. You no longer have to go back to individual videos to check and respond to comments or see if they’ve been watched.

You can even view a snippet of the transcript to give you the context you need to respond quickly from the Notifications page.

Learn more.


Transcript snippets in comments

Respond quickly to comments on the Notifications page with the exact context from the transcript. No need to replay the video.

Collaborate with @mentions

Get notified when you get mentioned in a video. And, invite people into the conversation with @mentions in comments.

Learn more.


Quickly access the videos you watched with History

In the left-hand menu, select History to quickly find looms you recently watched or (started to watch).


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